Internationale Martin Luther Stiftung

The daily Luther

13th February

And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

Interpretation of Martin Luther ...

Luther’s Breviary – A Meditation for Each Day of the Year

Thomas Seidel (Editor)

hardback, format 11 x 17 cm, 384 pages

ISBN 978-3-86160-195-1

9,90 €

Published by Wartburg Verlag.

This Breviary in German and English encourages the reader to follow the liturgical year, day-for-day with a verse from the Bible and Martin Luther's interpretation of it.

The texts are closely based on the 1984 revised version of Luther's Bible. The English translation by John Gledhill and Philip Wilson draws inspiration from the expressive and melodic language of the King James Bible. This Luther Breviary is ideal for English-speaking Lutherans or anyone interested in the ideas of Martin Luther. Additionally this Brevier is an aesthetically-challenging, meditative language-trainer in an especially unique way which can and should help bridge historical and national boundaries.

You can acquire your handy copy of Luther's "A Mediation for Each Day of the Year" as a bilingual (English & German) breviary from Wartburg Verlag or from any reputable online book shop, using the code ISBN 978-3-86160-195-1.

You can take a look inside here - Foreword.