"In the Footsteps of Martin Luther" now in Korean
the International Martin Luther Stiftungis proud to announce that Korean translation of "In the Footsteps of Martin Luther" has now been published. Available world-wide from all good book suppliers.
ISBN 978-89-6324-553-9
The International Martin Luther Foundation shall
- develop the basic impulses of the Reformation into a topic-related and outcome-oriented dialogue between Church, business, academia and politics,
- support individuals and groups that use their talants and their assets for the public welfare according to the Reforming tradition,
- promote ideas, projects and initiatives, that enable, nourish and stengthen ethical business practices and Entrepreneurial Courage, based on Christian faith as well as Lutheran professional ethics.
Furthermore to accomplish these targets the International Marthin Luther Foundation shall adopt suitable measures as well as use and develop appropriate forms of communication to clarify the image of the unique person, achievement and theology of Martin Luther in its region (Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt), in Germany and internationally.