The daily Luther
9th September
But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.
Psalm 22 (vii)
Holy Scripture is the written Word of God and is formed in letters in a similar way to how Christ, the Eternal Word of God is manifested in hidden human form. The written Word of God is nowadays treated in the same way as Christ who was abused by the World. In comparison with other books, Scripture is treated as if it were a worm and not even a book. This book does not even have the distinction of being studied, read and pondered about, preserved or even used as is the case with books written by other authors. If this book is lucky, it will, at the very best, be found lying under a bench. Other people rip it apart, crucify it and even torture it until its interpretation is stretched to fit in with their heresy, their own wilful way of thinking and their obstinacy. They end up by even killing the Word and burying it so that it will be shut out from the world and left to oblivion. But it certainly will have to re-appear; any guard or protection against it will be useless. This is why it is always a good sign when some one is given the precious gift of the love of the Scripture, of being able to read it willingly and gladly and of esteeming it highly.
The complete Luther - "A Meditation for Each Day of the Year" is available as a biligual (English and German) BREVIARY published by Wartburg Verlag Weimar. It can be purchased in English, world-wide from most internet book shops.